Not to be forgotten is lighting. Both god and the devil control the light and so can you. Control of light is what makes the artist great- photography, video, painting, sculpture, graphic design, whatever. The lighting in our work or home spaces set the tone for our mood and our interactions with others. This past week I found the light.
Niche Modern. I was at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair at the Javits in NYC. This is no typical trade show with people hustling wares to the corporate buyer. It’s a high-end fashion scene, but I think the nature of the craft- building furniture, brings a certain earthiness and realness. It’s full of good global people exchanging ideas and inspirations through practical (some of it) art. Truth be told it is worth buying a ticket to the Apple specifically to go.
Anyways, Niche Modern’s lights immediately resonated within my consciousness. They are pure, retro, simple, elegant, space age. I had feelings of August nights in the country with lightening bugs, barns, and the radiating glow of a bug zapper. I can’t wait to see it over a kitchen table.
Some other notes from the show-cycloc- another pure form that serves as both a bike rack and even a way to lock it up. A nice bicycle is a piece of art unto itself and these mounted wall pieces display the bike in its elegance.
Designboom was also there sponsoring a design bazaar where artists were selling small products for cash. In a scene that easily could be construed to be snooty and exclusive, deignboom held it down and kept it real. I think we’ll be seeing more of this kind of thing. Bazaars, bartering, hand crafted goods vs credit cards and corporate goods. The ICFF and designboom are on our side. Good websites too with stimulating links. Check em and start planniong your New York trip for next year.