This past week I was in the bright and shadowed hills of San Francisco to walk the ubiquitous conference halls of MacWorld. Here is the Japa. Japa is mumble in Sanskrit.
The conference is a bit utopian. A second life-style gathering of Mac techs, obviously, but in their different tribes of Goths, geeks, a few hip hoppers, west cost intelligentsia prep, and the corporate denim gurus. I’ve come away inspired, not so much for the friendliness of the affair, the product releases, and the stuff learned, but more or less the immediate sense of community after flying 4 hours to get there. All these online social networks, blogs and podcasts are bringing us closer together in the real world to create codes of understanding, even if it’s an iphone and Apple logo. They seem to be working. There is a very pure and smart undercurrent manifesting itself with the help of linked technology. What no better place than San Francisco.
Surprisingly, a thread through the japa was a suggestion or comment of Obama. There is talk of this man in these circles. I was surprised how effortlessly it floated off others people’s lips and even mine. To be able to talk politics so openly with strangers because of an intuitive understanding of the headz (spelled H.E.A.D.Z) was refreshing and fills me with hope that yes, things are changing into a positive direction. As I trekked the hills and avenues of SF, a visitor, a guest, a remnant of a business man I felt no loneliness as I pondered these new found communities I don’ know yet as imagined or real. In a dark sushi bar in a basement with blue walls, dangling lights, jazz giant pictures, salsa music and electro I met a talkative tech sage who gave me guidance. Her story began with talk of seeing Obama coming out of a hotel with the security posse. Is there something going on? Is there a connection? It is both exciting and frightening to see a mobilization and movement residing in the presence of one man. We will see.....
And with all intention of staying out of the cults and blowing smoke…..the fellas over at raised a great point. Apple TV will now let you download films and television programs alongside podcasts. Think about that- the hogpath podcast next to the last episode of Lost. We will see…….
Remember to dance for joy.