Photo Courtesy of Robert Wright - IMPLOSITION - click on image for flickr site.
the earth breathes with the seasons
facing in with summer
facing out with winter *
the whole shebang constricts and expands from micro to macro which is breathing in itself.
all of this flows with
corresponds with
positive negative male female
all contained within itself
our organized systems of education, politics, and religion are part of this paradigm but fails to teach proper breath awareness to the youth.
it is never to late to learn to breathe.
majestically it easily manifests in a male female connection. it happens on the street with eyes and can go further behind a closed door. breathing is vital in this endeavor.
it falls with the weight of a waterfall over the bedrock of your spine into the resevoir of your belly leaking into the source. breathe, focus, practice not wasting it through release. spring the stones on the trampoline up your bedrock spine as fire exhales the whole shebang in your head.
* statement inspired by film "An Inconvenient Truth"
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